What is Indian Head Massage

It is an ancient treatment involving massage of upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, face and scalp.  Clients are seated in a chair, fully clothed.  It is incredibly relaxing and soothing, leaving clients feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The massage lasts around 35 minutes.

The Benefits

This therapy induces calmness, peace and tranquillity, releasing anxiety and stress.  Your levels of alertness and concentration improve.  It also lifts feelings of depression, and eases mental tiredness. It balances chakra energies, releases stagnant energy, boosting available energy on all levels.

Muscles are relaxed, providing immediate relief.  Toxins are dispersed from tense muscles.  Circulation improves reoxygenating tissues.


Indian Head Massage has its origins in the ancient Indian system of Ayurveda (around 1800BC).  The method was developed by holy/wise men called Rishis who lived in the Himalayan region of India.


Treatments and Costs

I can also combine Indian Head Massage with a Tibetan Singing Bowl relaxation.

Cost for Indian Head Massage treatment – £30 per session (35 mins)

Cost for Indian Head Massage plus Tibetan Singing Bowl Relaxation – £40 (60 mins)

Festivals/corporate/party short taster sessions can be 15 mins in length. – £10